Do you love dogs, but don't always love dealing with dog owners?

You listen to someone’s issues and problems about their dog, and you explain how you can provide the solution only to never hear from them again.

You watch someone making the same mistake over and over and over again and you feel like a broken record explaining what to do. It’s like they just won’t listen and you’re at your wit’s end.

Training the dog is the easy part! You feel frustrated when you can’t get a client to do what they need to do to maintain the behaviors you’ve trained their dog.

You have some clients you just can’t click with (get it? “Click” with!)

You’re sick of turning to Facebook to vent about difficult owners.

How would you like to go to bed at night knowing you’ve made a positive difference in the lives of all the people who’s dogs you’ve trained. You know their life will never be what it was like before they met you. You can easily and efficiently deliver your message to dog owners everywhere. There’s no more pulling your hair out over the “difficult” owners! You’re reminded everyday why it is you’re a dog trainer - to help people find peace of mind with their dogs and to make a difference in the world.

We all know training the dogs is the easy part! We’re experts in communicating with animals and that doesn’t always mean we’re experts in communicating with people. If you want your clients to hear what you are saying and really make a difference in training their dog, we all know the limiting factor is the owner. Until now

Easily learn how to identify different personality types with a system designed by psychologist Dr. William Marston. Personal Discernment Inventory (DISC) will allow you to become an expert at connecting with your clients so you can:

- Be more effective in delivering your message.

- Increase your sales, resulting in increased income.

- Network with other trainers at conferences and seminars more effectively.

The DISC model uses a number of categories to organize how people tend to respond to their environment. Understanding ourselves and others will drastically improve our ability to work together with our clients. This understanding is a critical building block for building relationships.

There are five critical things a valid DISC assessment will enable you to do:


Identify specific personality strengths


Identify possible personality weaknesses


Discover how environmental situations affect behavior


Build interpersonal skills


Improve understanding and collaboration

Once you understand other styles and have seen how they work together, you can better learn to communicate with people of different temperaments.

This will impact you in every area of your business.

My husband, Darren Greco, has been a certified instructor for over 10 years and teaches law enforcement the same techniques you’ll learn. He received additional training as a US Naval Officer and is an expert in personality assessment. He can quickly and easily develop report with anybody using the techniques in this system.

When do you need to block off time in your schedule?

Sunday, November 8th

10 am - 5 pm

Gibsons Lodging

10 Prince George Street, Annapolis, MD, 21401

Do you want some additional details?

Arrive at 9:30 am for coffee and danishes.

Lunch will be on your own from 12-1:30 - with extra time to complete your lunchtime assignment!

Breaks every 1 1/2 to 2 hours to stretch your legs.

Afternoon snack of warm chocolate chip cookies!

DISC materials to take home with you.

You could continue training dogs and complaining about the dog’s owners forever. You’ll continue to make money and change some people’s lives. Imagine what’s possible when you layer on tools you’ll learn to connect with different types of people and become more effective in delivering your message? The sky’s the limit! And when communicating with all types of people is easy, you’ll have more energy to focus on what you do best - training dogs.

For less money than one client pays you, you’ll change the way you interact with people forever. I’ve seen Darren use his skills to make an amazing impact on people’s lives all over the world. Now, for the first time offered to dog-trainers, he’ll let us in on his secrets.

For $197 you will learn how to easily connect with people.

But wait there’s more! You get a bonus, too.

You’ll benefit from this skill in your business AND your personal life. Not only will dog owners be easier to deal with, your spouse, parents, children, friends and family will be easier to deal with too! The benefits are limitless.

What do you need to do to get in on the action?

Act Fast!

There are a limited number of seats available for this exclusive event. The seats will be sold on a first come, first serve basis and your spot will be considered reserved upon payment in full.

Don’t wait. Register now! I anticipate this workshop to fill up within 24 hours.

I can’t wait to spend the day with you!