There's a reason why dogs are used in therapy. They help people deal with pain, anxiety, loneliness, and help create calm. With the increase of stress in our daily lives, we've created Operation Pause with Paws: 14 daily prompts to allow your "paws" to help you pause and take your mind off daily chaos.

Let's Pause with Paws together
In just 14 days, your dog will help you rediscover:
Relaxation & Calm
Time with your dog can help you be calm and increase your ability to relax.
Happiness & Joy
Spending time with your dog will bring you joy and help take your mind off of daily stresses.
Dogs have playful personalities and can help you remember what playfulness feels like.
Ways to Have Fun
Use the daily prompts to help you come up with more ways to have fun.
Plus, it's a great activity for families to do together to have fun and be more connected!
Ready for two weeks of time with your dog?
Sign up now and allow your "paws" to help you relax, have fun, smile, be playful, and be calm.